Great American Eclipse of 2017
Just about everybody has heard about the once in a life time total solar eclipse passing over the US on Monday August 21, but do you actually know when or where to look for it. Most would think you just have to look up at the sky, but its actually much more difficult than that. The location is pretty easy to figure out, just look for the sun (with special glasses). The timing is where it gets tricky, the actual eclipse only last a minute or two at most. . Luckily scientists somewhere figured it out. Unfortunately Harmony is not in the path of totality, where the sun is completely blocked, but we are predicted to see about a 70% eclipse of the sun. The pictures below show times and directions for the Harmony School (HTS1&2) and the Municipal Building (HMB1&2). You can find your exact locations time by clicking here. The Warren County Library was giving out free eclipse viewing glasses, or they can be found pretty cheap online. Dave Dabour, a local photographer from Greenwich, has a helpful blog post on how to photograph the eclipse, or there are plenty of other useful site that will give you information and tips. If you have any useful tips for photographing the eclipse or where to get glasses feel free to share them in the comments. Also be sure to send us any pictures you may get and we will make an eclipse album on our Instagram, @inharmony23.
Here are some useful sites and apps:
*** Happening In Harmony is in no way affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsing any of the above linked sites. They are only provided because we feel they were of quality and wanted to pass them along to our readers.***