Harmony Twp. School holds graduation for Class of 2017
The Harmony Township School class of 2017 had their graduation ceremony tonight in the school gym. Speeches were given by class president Sean Call, and Vice President Tye Jean. Mrs. Brook Degan and Mrs, Sarah Piwoski presented academic awards, followed by the Presentation of the Harmony PTA Citizenship award by Mrs. Nicole Tipton, President of the Harmony PTA, to Kinsey Lockhard. Diplomas were given by Principal Ryanne Bigelli and BOE President Heather Weidlick. The class was comprised of 22 students: Sarah Burdge, Sean Call, Liam Chapman, Aidan Ferrullo, Travis Fichner, Skyler Hartman, Jordyn Holjes, Sara Jansen, Tye Jean, Kelly Jones, Riley KArdos, Kinsey Lockhard, Jessica Moore, Saryna Oliveira, Kaitlyn Pavlock, Adrianna Piwowarczyk, Dylan Richardson, Olivia Santini, Thomas Sperduto, Megan Starck, Jason Tino, and Carly Vogler.